Bethlehem 2000 August 2000 |
A Celebration of Youth
A summer feast for children, youth and families in and around Bethlehem 1 Aug. Mar Elias Procession From Bethlehem to the Monastery on the eve of Saint Elias’ feast; picnic and crafts fair on the monastery grounds 2 Aug. Feast of Mar Elias 5-10 Aug. International Youth Gathering* A programme for youth including symposiums on religious, literary and human right issues; voluntary work; nature walks; open air concerts and evening entertainment 15 Aug. Assumption 19-24 Aug. International Youth Gathering* (second group) 28 Aug. Feast of the Virgin Mary 03:00 Sunrise procession: from Bethlehem to the Greek Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary in Jerusalem. Sesame bread and falafel available for an outdoor breakfast Afternoon procession in the Old City of Bethlehem |