Bethlehem 2000 June 2000 |
Pilgrimages to the Holy Land
Christian heritage in Palestine and pilgrim traditions through the centuries 1 Jun. Ascension Day 3 Jun. Day of Empress Helena and Emperor Constantine Commemoration of the construction of the Church of the Nativity in 341 AD 4-8 Jun. Choral Music Festival* with choirs from around the world at Manger Square 5-15 Jun. First International Gathering of the Syrian Orthodox Societies “Support for Christian Presence in the Holy Land” 9-12 Jun. Pentecost ”Welt Kirchentag”: the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jerusalem hosts the international Lutheran constituents 16 Jun. The Child of the Promise Premier of a Gospel Musical at Manger Square 16-20 Jun. Gospel and Country Music Festival Concerts and street music in many parts of the district 21 Jun. Fête De La Musique La fête takes place at various places including Manger Square. 22 Jun. Corpus Christi 25 Jun. International Day of the Child Street parades and celebrations and a cultural event in the evening. 26 Jun. International Meeting of Catholic Priests at Manger Square |